The Diary of Anne Frank
A true story of Anne Frank who moves into a secret annex with her parents and lives there for two years during World War II. Mr. and Mrs. van Daan and their son Peter (who is a few years older than Anne) are also in hiding with the Franks. Later, Mr. Dussel (an elderly dentist) moves in, and Anne has to share her bedroom with him. They have to learn to survive with very meager portions of food and being very quiet from hours on end, so they are not discovered.
Anne Frank ..................................................... Veronica Skaggs
Otto Frank ................................................................. Gage Diel
Edith Frank ............................................................. Molly Gibbs
Margot Frank ....................................................... Sydney Scott
Mr. Van Daan .................................................. Robert Summers
Mrs. Van Daan .................................................... Gwen Sinclair
Peter Van Daan .................................................... Daniel Byrne
Mr. Dussel ............................................................ Liam Hanson
Miep ........................................................................ Huihua He
Mr. Kraler .......................................................... Adam Salman
Man 1 .................................................................. Phillip Stroup
Man 2 ................................................................... Dylan Moore
Man 3 ..................................................................... Jake Berra
Director ................................................................ Mr. Alex Moore
Assistant Director ........................................... Rhiannon Creighton
Stage Managers ................................. Angel Eberhardt, Ryan Toler
Assistant Stage Manager...................................... Rebecca Conover
Production Manager .......................................... Julianna Nguyen
Master Electrician .................................................... Chris Harmon
Assistant Lighting Designers ... Catherine Adams, Ashley Segobiano
Lead Carpenters .................................. Kasey Leeders, Venz Almeria
Set Crew ................... Krishna Almeria, Catherine Adams, Jenny Lu
Lead Painter ............................................................... Christina Lu
Sound Operators ................................. Daniel Bitter, Kassie Cooper
Hair and Make-Up Head ......................................... Hanna Kolaks
Hair and Make-Up Crew................................ Ajla Babic, Ella Eder, Violette Duncil, Ajla Mujkic
Wig Design ........................................................... Mr. Will Vicari
Costume Mistress ................................................ Kaitlin Wittmann
Costume Crew ...................................... Loralyn Clark, Jessica Cook, Sarah Gratza, Luke Shakleford, Austin Kienbusch
Props Master ........................................................... Megan Gurley
General Crew ....................................... John Allen, Alyssa Boning, Jack Chen, Rebecca Haible, Cassidy Hayden, Colleen Muldoon, Elise Wilson