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During a visit to America, Australian Sandy meets Danny Zuko at the beach and falls in love. She is heartbroken when summer ends, and she has to return home. But fate lends a hand -- her parents decide to stay in America, and she finds herself attending the same school as Danny. But Danny at school is different from Danny at the beach. He is the leader of the T-Birds, a black leather-clad gang, and has a reputation to keep up. He can't be seen to fall in love with just one chick. Sandy is upset and seeks solace with some new friends she has made - a girls' club called The Pink Ladies. But her prim and proper ways do not fit in, and she soon finds herself almost alone. A change must be made. Does she attempt to get her man by turning him into a jock? Or must she get rid of her "Sandra Dee" image?



Danny Zuko ......................................................... Danny Bitter

Sandy Dunmbrowski ................................... Rhiannon Creighton

Betty Rizzo .......................................................... Kierra Kellum

Frenchy .............................................................. Shelby Bouren

Marty ....................................................................... Abby Carr

Jan .................................................................... Allyson Butler

Sonny LaTierri ...................................................... Daniel Byrne

Kenickie .................................................................. Luke Sailor

Doody ............................................................... Quincy Nguyen

Roger ........................................................................ Gage Diel

Patty Simcox ....................................................... Haley Emelko

Eugene Florczyk ............................................... Robert Summers Vince Fontaine ......................................................... Jake Berra Cha-Cha DiGregorio ............................................... Sydney Scott

Teen Angel ................................................................ Tia Kinsey Raining on Prom Night Soloist .......................... Cassidy Hayden

Miss Lynch ....................................................... Rebecca Conover

Ensemble Members ............... Christian Bishop, Shawn Buhmann,                                               Loralyn Clark, Kassie Cooper, Jacob Fels,                                                                  Molly Gibbs, Cassidy Hayden,                                                    Cheyann Johnson, Steven Lambertson,                                                               Dustin Mana, Emily Murawski,                                                                 Adam Salman, Phillip Stroup


Conductor/Keyboard ............................................ Ms. Robin Mik

Basses ......................... Mr. Bentley Caughlan, Mr. Clayton Bitter

Drums ........................................................... James Stinebaker

Guitar ............................................................... Jackson Young

Trumpet .......................................................... Amanda Thomas

Director ................................................................ Mr. Alex Moore 

Music Director ......................................................... Ms. Robin Mik

Scenic/Lighting Designer/Technical Director ... Mr. Scott Schoonover

Choreographer ..................................................... Ms. Taylor Pietz

Assistant Music Director .............................. Mr. Bentley Caughlan

Theatre Assistant .......................................... Ms. Melinda Golubski

Audio Supervisor .................................................. Mr. Drew Bitter

Backstage Supervisor ...................................... Mrs. Jessica Riddle

Wig Designer ........................................................ Mr. Will Vicari

Assistant Director ....................................................... Molly Gibbs

Dance Captain .......................................................... Sydney Scott

Stage Manager .................................................... Angel Eberhardt

Assistant Stage Managers ............... Alyssa Boning, Kaylee Palmer

Costume Mistress ................................................ Kaitlin Wittmann

Costume Crew ................................... Sabria Bender, Sarah Gratza,                                                                   Hannah Harr, Hannah Ireland,                                                        Samantha Mckeown, Nicole Nemcova,                                                                  Jillian Podgorny, Morgan Potje,                                                         Emily Reynolds, Teresa Waeltermann

Hair and Make-Up Head ......................................... Violette Duncil

Hair and Make-Up Crew .............. Belma Bektas, Melanie Brigman,                                                                    Angela Davis, Megan England,                                                                          Melanie England, Ella Eder,                                                                       Megan Miller, Adelisa Music,                                                                                                     Harisha Mir

Props Mistress ......................................................... Megan Gurley

Props Crew ............................................. Jack Chen, Erna Gorancic,                                                                  Anthony Ledbetter, Neal Shipley                                                                            Jewel Stroud, Elise Wilson

Scenic Construction/Paint Crew ............................ Krishna Almeria,                                                                              Jack Chen, Anna Floretta,                                                                  Amy Riddle, Mikayla Schnebdi,                                                                         Tyler Rainey, Sydney Scott,                                                         Courtney Smallwood, Adna Karabas

Master Electricians ........................ Catherine Adams, Chris Harmon

Lighting Crew ............................... Jordan Dickerson, Jasper Hong,                                                                             Erin Riley, Kaitlin Stumpp

Sound Crew .......................................... Matt James, Logan Richter


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